
Markes TC-20 Multi-Tube Conditioners

The Markes Multi-tube Conditioners enhance productivity of TD–GC laboratories

The TC-20 and TC-20 TAG are compact, stand‑alone devices for the off-line simultaneous conditioning or dry-purging of up to 20 thermal desorption sorbent tubes.

Norm Compliance: US EPA Method 325

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Markes TC-20 Multi-Tube Conditioners

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  • Tube Dry-Purging
  • Allow batches of up to 20 tubes to be simultaneously dry‑purged.
  • Dedicated cooling rack on the TC-20 maintains the tubes under a continuous flow of inert gas.
  • Improves tube throughput by allowing a second batch of 20 tubes to be conditioned while the first batch is cooling.
Markes TC-20 Multi-Tube Conditioners

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Markes TC-20 Multi-Tube Conditioners

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Markes TC-20 Multi-Tube Conditioners

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