Looking to analyze PFAS in air? Learn how GC techniques used for VOC monitoring can be successfully applied to PFAS measurements from air and materials.
During this short explainer video, we describe the importance of microplastics analysis and how scientists use vertical-furnace pyrolysis-GC/MS to identify and quantify unknown microplastic polymers.
The Frontier Lab Selective Sampler allows heart-cut analysis by sampling any temperature zone in an EGA thermogram.
To perform flash pyrolysis, there are three types of techniques available: filament, curie-point, and vertical micro-furnace.
In this video, you will learn about the Double-Shot and Heart-Cutting modes of the Frontier multi-shot pyrolysis instrument.
Learn about the fundamentals of the state-of-the-art Frontier MicroJet Cryo Trap.
You have produced excellent data about your unknown sample using the Frontier micro-furnace. Now let the power of F-Search identify peaks and chemical composition with ease!
The LUMOS II is a stand-alone FT-IR microscope that excels in failure analysis, material research and particle analysis. It is compact, precise and features ultrafast chemical imaging by FPA technology.
Need performance, but tight on bench space? The S6 JAGUAR Wavelength dispersive XRF delivers, with its compact size and plug-and-analyze installation.
The Bruker LUMOS II FT-IR microscope delivers peak performance, easy sampling and an intuitive user experience.
The D2 PHASER XRD delivers data quality and collection speed that, up to recently, was thought impossible with a benchtop XRD system.
During this QuickTalk, we’ll introduce the Bruker ALPHA II FTIR Spectrometer.