red powder sample grinding cryogenic mill
On Demand Webinar

A Better Way to Grind Your Samples

Looking for an easier and faster way to grind your samples? Get to know the Frontier Cryogenic Mill IQ Cryo Mill-2070 in this short 6-minute webinar.

The Frontier cryogenic mill is a sample treatment device for crushing, stirring, and dispersing polymer materials prior to analysis.

The Frontier IQ Cryo Mill-2070 makes the sample grinding process into a simple pre-treatment operation. By using a special high elastic belt with excellent durability, efficient crushing is achieved in a short time by high-speed 3D figure-8 motion. This is the ideal sample treatment device for instrumental analysis, especially where crushing, stirring, and dispersing polymer materials is required.

During this short 6-minute webinar, you will learn:

  • The specifications and features of the IQ Cryo Mill-2070
  • What specific needs this cryogenic mill addresses
  • What sets the Frontier cyrogenic mill apart from others


On Demand Webinar

Looking for a more efficient and faster way to screen laboratory-prepared catalysts? Take 6 minutes to familiarize yourself with the Frontier Tandem µ-Reactor.
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A Better Way to Grind Your Samples

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