metal catalyst faster way to characterize catalysts
On Demand Webinar

A Faster Way to Characterize Catalysts

Looking for a more efficient and faster way to screen laboratory-prepared catalysts? Take 6 minutes to familiarize yourself with the Frontier Tandem µ-Reactor.

Is your lab involved in catalyst development? If yes, then you know that understanding the performance of a catalyst under different operational parameters is critical. Especially before they are moved into large-scale installations.

The Frontier Rx-3050TR Tandem µ-Reactor is a novel solution for rapid catalyst screening. Whether you are looking for speed, efficiency, or space savings, the Tandem µ-Reactor is the ultimate solution for understanding the composition and performance of a new catalyst.

During this short 6-minute webinar, you will learn:

  • How the micro-furnace design of the Tandem µ-Reactor delivers precise temperature control and quick heating and cooling
  • An overview of the rapid catalyst evaluation -using a mass spectrometer as a detector
  • Different analysis modes of operation for real-time monitoring and separation analysis


On Demand Webinar

Looking for a more efficient and faster way to screen laboratory-prepared catalysts? Take 6 minutes to familiarize yourself with the Frontier Tandem µ-Reactor.
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A Faster Way to Characterize Catalysts

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