
Frontier Lab Selective Sampler Intro

The Frontier Lab Selective Sampler allows heart-cut analysis by sampling any temperature zone in an EGA thermogram.
Watch this video for a quick concise overview of the Frontier Lab Selective Sampler, a powerful peripheral that compliments the Frontier Multi-Shot Pyrolyzer System.

Sometimes there are parts of your sample that you just don’t need to analyze. And as easy as that sounds, it can be technically difficult.

Frontier developed a simple technique that utilizes the pressure difference between the purge gas and the carrier gas.

Unlike traditional flow switching systems, the Frontier flow paths have no dead volume or cold spots. And no leaks or carry over contamination.

The Frontier Lab Selective Sampler introduces components of any temperature zone in an EGA thermogram obtained by the Frontier 3030D Multi-Shot Pyrolyzer or thermogravimetric analyzer (TG) into a separation column. By employing a flow path switching mechanism that utilizes the pressure difference between purge gas and carrier gas without using mechanical valves, a flow path system with no contamination or adsorption of polar compounds has been achieved with no dead space or cooling point.

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Frontier Lab Selective Sampler Intro

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Frontier Lab Selective Sampler Intro

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